Qwyit™ is FOR SALE. Let's talk.

What is it?        The Qwyit™ Pitch presentation          Qwyit Assets (Patents, etc.)
Qwyit™ is pure technology, a cryptographic protocol. It's an Authentication and Data Encryption cryptosystem, built on unique, patented primitives that can be used to build real world cybersecurity solutions. It is core security technology exactly like PKI + AES; with a different mathematic foundation. The differences are what deliver the superior Qwyit™ protocol properties: Speed, Efficiency, Flexibility and Provable Security.
It can work everywhere, in everything, all the time.

What's the Latest Security Trend that Qwyit™ can conquer?
The security industry (led by NIST standards) is about to make the same mistakes they've made for decades. Here's an article, a presentation, and White Paper on Post-Quantum Cryptography: you'll see that for the coming future, Qwyit™ is the only option!

Why buy it?
If you understand and agree we need fundamentally new, innovative core tech to solve today's security problems, Qwyit™ is the answer. See below for an example of how Qwyit™ can do what the current HW can't. For any security technology, Qwyit™ outperforms every current method.

If you're an Innovative Tech leader, Qwyit™ is THE cybersecurity opportunity - the time is now! It's Qwyit Time

QCy™ Reference Guide - the encryption engine
Here's some validation, and a detailed independent analysis (formerly RPM)
Qwyit submitted to NIST for US National Standard for Lightweight Cryptography workshop 2015 
12 Patents Granted (2 in 7/23), other patents pending - we have mounds more information; get in touch and let's make a deal.

World's Fastest H/W Encryption

Our 256-bit H/W encryption performed in a single clock cycle. 
Recover millions of wasted encryption cycles for business profitability!

“Extraordinary claims should require extraordinary evidence
to be believed.” - Kevin Kelly (Wired)

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