Qwyit References

The Following provide further Qwyit® Market and Technical Information

[Note: Here are some of the other applications where we've applied our Qwyit protocol. Contact us for the content.]

Qwyit™ Protocol Reference Guide - The complete Qwyit protocol technical reference

QwyitKey™ - An Anonymous Authentication Service, the world’s first participant-managed, independent-trust authentication service for secure messaging. Get a Key, Call QC™

QwyitKey™ - Overview and Complete Technical Reference Guide

QwyitTalk™ - Security as a Service - The combination of the proven TLS process with new underlying methods. Current techniques are at their end-of-life: this is a new, better approach!

QwyitTalk™ - Overview, Presentation and Complete Technical Reference Guide

QwyitCard™ - There's $3Billion annual credit card fraud. This is incompetently being addressed by EMV smart card technology for $15Billion. This $Huge problem is solved and can be delivered using standard, legacy swipe cards and existing dumb readers for $0

QwyitCard™ - Overview and Complete Technical Reference Guide

QwyitStore™ - Storage as a Service - Data storage, identifiable access and use control service. QwyitStore™ finally solves the current, constant gaping security hole between customer data provision, and commercial data storage

QwyitStore™  - Overview and Complete Technical Reference Guide

QwyitCash™ - The same credit payment process, the same transaction,  the same Immediate Payment everywhere – without any cards or readers. Better Than Money!

QwyitCash™ – Overview and Complete Technical Reference Guide

Additional Qwyit® papers:

Qwyit™ Variable Keys – Additional Qwyit protocol features and benefits

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